In the "Click to Continue"-Screen type in the following cheatcodes. Some may work if entered at the main menu screen.
canyonalltheway = Unlocks all tracks
5grand5grand = Castrol Cash
chasingmobile = Corvette Z06 Interceptor in Quick Race Mode
guesswhoisback = Cross Corvette Z06 in Quick Race Mode
watchoutthebigtruckishere = Dump Truck in Quick Race Mode
bigredfiredrive = Firetruck in Quick Race Mode
trashtalking = Rhino in Quick Race Mode
speed3foryou = Mazda Speed3 in Quick Race Mode
friendlyheadlocksapplied = Unlimited Crew Charge
nosforeverever = Unlimited NOS
shinycarsarethebestcars = Chrome Cars
cooperlogofreeforyou = Cooper Tire Logo